Sunday, July 30, 2006

bloggin' blues...

Sigh. Its getting tougher and tougher to update my blog. Not sure if its cos I'm blank or cos I'm at a point in my life where I just couldn't be bothered. I did have stuff to blog but before I got down to it, the incident or story had passed. Hopefully this is just a phase and I'll be back. Although its not like I have tonnes of avid readers left behind. LOL. Or maybe I should just leave it be. Blog whenever possible. Screw timing and frequency. Hehe. After all its my rant zone.

Anyways I gotta get ready soon. Time for a night out with the mates. Cheers folks!

1 comment:

Mojam said...

If you wanna bitch.. by all means, bitch about it man.. we wanna hear some good wholesome bitchin..... don't hold it in.. it makes you look old.. lol