Got my hands on some 'oh so creamy' Strawberry Cornetto McFlurry (RM4.73).
Very creamy and rich in flavour. Good to the last spoonful. The sweet crunchy cone bits and sinful chocolate chips work really well together. McDs should really make this a regular item. Their best dessert offering to date.
If you haven't tried it yet, better head down to your nearest McD today. Remember they never close. :D
Nice... KL's been charging RM3.99 for normal McFlurry and RM4.50 for the cornetto ones. Wondered where's the wonderful RM3.73 offer from. =D
Hehe my bad. Can't recall ler. Edited di. :(
Yup, its so yummy.
I always just tried the cornetto sundae strawberry.
Never try the cornetto mcflurry before.
Have you tried the chocolate ones?
Which is better?
definately chocolate...don't fancy strawberry much...always go with the choco version...*drool*
i would so laugh if it was poo
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